Small Town Trap

With Dreams of Breaking Out

Friday, September 16, 2005

Conversations with a two year old

*watching Tiny Planets, where Bing and Bong are helping some Flockers do something or whatever*
Nickolas: She did not say "fucker."
Me: No. She said "flocker."
Nickolas: Not "fucker."
Me: Nope.
Nickolas: "Fucker" is a grown up word.
Me: Yep.
Nickolas: So she did not say "fucker."
Me: Nope.
*lather, rinse, repeat every single time the word "flocker" is spoken.*

Nickolas: May I have some grapes?
Me: Sure. *hands him grapes* Hey, guess what?
Nickolas: What?
Me: I love you.
Nickolas: I just farted again.
Me: You are supposed to say "I love you too."
Nickolas: But it was a BIG DADDY fart.
Me: Oh.


At 9/16/2005 8:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

When Nina says she wants "Stitch" it sounds an awful lot like "Shit." Kid vocab is hilarious.

At 9/22/2005 5:56 AM, Blogger Sarit said...

That was naturally funny...the kind of stuff that keeps happening to us in our day-to-day life...not that it feels funny right then, but when u look back at it, it's funny :)
You write very well..Keep writing!


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