Small Town Trap

With Dreams of Breaking Out

Monday, September 19, 2005

I itch.

Who would have guessed how fun throwing a surprise party for your parents could be? I knew we'd blow the surprise part somehow, and we sort of did, but they were still shocked and it was still a blast. Being back in the old town for the first time since we moved was a bit odd, though. Time and distance have made it look...not just different, but somehow foreign and scary. Seeing the few friends I have left was strained and uncomfortable, too, which drove me to drink a bit more than strictly necessary in the company of my relatives but necessary is relative anyway, soooooo...yeah. Weekend. Woo. I missed the wine tasting completely so maybe everyone is mad at me now but I'm beyond caring because I have broken out in hives for some reason and I CAN'T FUCKING STOP SCRATCHING.

It all started when we first got up to my parents' house. Because I had to talk to lots of people I hadn't seen for years, my right boob itched like hell and made me want to cry so I snuck into the bathroom and whipped it out to scratch it to pieces and yay, hives. Then my shoulder started burning and yay, there too. THEN my wrists and kneepits and back and stomach although strangely, not my left boob all broke out and now? I am miserable and it won't go away. Fun. Oh, and I smell like my medicine cabinet and I may have taken too many Benadryls.

The boys broke another window this morning. Here I go again with the garbage bags and duct tape. It's sad that I'm waiting by my computer for all my favorite snark sites to cover the Emmys. I need a life, but having just discovered that I have no friends I think I'll just sit here quietly for a while. I had a dream about my high school reunion that will happen next year I guess that I don't plan on attending anyway, probably because of all the high school people I saw this weekend. I also had a dream I ran someone over with my car. Then I got woken up by thunder but I wasn't awake enough to realize it was thunder so I woke Nick up and told him to get the boys so we could all go down to the bomb shelter. (I actually have a bomb shelter in this house. It's rad.) Paranoid much?


At 9/20/2005 8:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL i used to have u on my Yahoo, do you log in anymore? :)


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