Small Town Trap

With Dreams of Breaking Out

Thursday, September 22, 2005


I've noticed that my post titles (when I remember to put them in) are mostly just noises, not really words. I hope that is not indicative of the way I speak...well it sort of is. Boo. (See? Too much time around ONLY men has made me just grunt and gesture.)

Speaking of time around only men, I realized (while writing a comment, hi Jackie!) that in the two months I have lived here, I have met exactly zero people. In the same two months, I have talked to exactly two of my old friends from the old town. Neither of them has been here to visit, despite it only being two hours away. (Lots of two's. Does that need an apostrophe?) So I'm not really seeing those friendships lasting. I guess what I'm bitching about is...I have no friends. I can't just get in the car and drive over to someone's house and drink a beer. The only person like that down here would be Gina, the ex-stepmother-in-law, and we have all seen how it turns out when I hang out at her house. It sucks.

Nick, on the other hand, has TONS of friends already. As usual. The kid could turn a doorknob into his best friend. But then he works, so he gets to leave the house once in a while and TALK to PEOPLE who are unlikely to poop on him, which has him at a slight advantage over me. Now that I have to pick him up from work, I get to see these people, but they look at me funny too. Do I have a dick on my forehead? (I checked. I totally don't.) I don't get people in this town. (Did I mention we got rid of the minivan? Well, we did. So we're down to one car. It's interesting.)

Ramble, ramble, ramble. No forehead dick, yet still no friends. I'm joining the gym as soon as I have a little extra money to throw at it. Maybe I'll meet some super stellar people in a spinning class or something. Or maybe they'll think I'm weird too.

I found a CD in Nick's car (THE car) this morning that is labeled "Steph's Cool Mix :) :)" Who the fuck is Steph? The guys he works with have girlfriends named Brittany and Hattie...maybe that's why he's never home before eight at night. He found someone to make him cool mixes :) :) .

:/ .


At 9/22/2005 5:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder the same thing about my old man. I would talk to him about it.
Hugs and love ;)

At 9/24/2005 8:22 AM, Blogger E-Beth said...

Hattie? Is that a real name? It sounds like something a drunk person would say while making a hat into a puppet. I'm just saying. Not to be rude or anything.

Is the mix even cool?


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