Small Town Trap

With Dreams of Breaking Out

Friday, December 02, 2005

Still okay

I still have no internet at home. I would think that would kill me but you know what? It totally doesn't. I have no phone, no internet, no cable, no nothing and it's really not so bad. It gives me lots of time to sit and think about what I want to do with my life and how I can fix everything that I've fucked up so badly in the past few months. Some of it I want to fix and some of it I'm sort of glad I broke, you know?

My kids are trapped in a washing machine box and I can't tell if they're pretend fighting or really fighting. I think it's pretend. Oh, yeah it is because I just heard somebody say something about a fart. The joys of boys.

I want to apologize for abandoning my online life... my real life got a little too real and it's pretty scary. Writing here or at dland used to help that but now I've done some things I can't even admit to myself, much less post for all the world. You can read about it in my novel... Can you believe I'm actually writing something other than this drivel? It's still drivel but it's different drivel and it's fiction but it's sort of based on fact even though I would never admit that. I think the play fighting just turned into real fighting. Gotta go.


At 12/02/2005 10:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are in my thoughts. All the best :)


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