I am out of diet Dew. Therefore, I am slightly less ACTION-PACKED than yesterday. Definitely not as ACTION-PACKED as Richard, who is an ANIMAL with those Latin verb conjugations.
AAaaaahhhhh. I finally took my happy ass to the Evil Empire (Walmart for those of you who hate America, or something, I don't know what my problem is with Walmart) and filled up nine gallon jugs of the good triple reverse osmosis filtered water and OH MAN IS IT EVER GOOD. And not yellow at all, which makes it WAY better than my tap water. But I've been over that.
Did I mention that the reason I'm all hive-y is because the softener has no salt in it? Here I am, itching like crazy, and thinking to myself, "I'll take another shower, that should help," and really, it was making it worse. The government pays me today, looks like I'll be back at scary Walmart for some stupid salt tonight. I would have gotten it before, but I don't feel like carrying it. I'm girly like that. I did get some of those new Lean Cuisines with the desserts in them. Well, actually I just got one because I thought the other two had desserts because the first one I picked up had a red circle that said, "NOW WITH DESSERT" so I grabbed two other ones that looked good and when I got home I noticed that only one said "NOW WITH DESSERT" and the other two said "NEW RECIPE". Frick. But I got sundae cones. Mmmmmm. And I hid them. Is that evil?
So I just dropped the tall kid off at preschool and I was all extra happy and friendly to the other parents and teachers and...nothing. They hate me. Except for the one dad who was trying to read what's on my T-shirt or something because he looked at my chest like a lot. I've noticed people do that even when there are no words on my shirt. I wonder why. Maybe they really are dazzled by my big city beauty. I mean, I EXUDE star quality in my rubber flip flops, torn up jean shorts from junior year in high school, and ratty St. Mary's College shirt that belonged to my dad in 1970. That's hot. I should just find a new shrink down here and forget about it. (Good way of looking at that, someone paid to hang out with you. And offer advice without all the "you dumbass" stuff I get from other people.) Stupid human instincts, wanting me to socialize and shit. Doesn't this count as socializing?
OH. I drove past the high school on the way to the preschool, and they have the windows all painted for homecoming (I typed homocoming first, ha ha, that's a different building) and it says "SENIORS '06". Do you know what that means? I was a senior in '96. That makes me OLD. Frick again.